LGBTQ+ baby boomers vs Generation Z

As PRIDE month draws to a close, here at Oh La La Shop Ltd, we felt that it was only appropriate that we gain knowledge and feedback from generations and how they feel the LGBTQ+ community is supported and valued. We compared the baby boomers generation to the Zoomers commonly known as Generation Z.

During our research, we found that all of the samples knew what LGBTQ+ mean and could correctly identify this. We found that they knew this due to the knowledge and education that is available. When asking if both generations know of someone that is part of the LGBTQ+ community, they could easily identify an individual close to them whom both generations know and support those individuals. All of the sample sizes said that they didn’t look at anyone in the LGBTQ+ community differently. As they are still an individual and nothing makes them different about themselves apart from what gender or whom they love. 


When asking the baby boomers generation, only 50% of the sample knew about a support group for LGBTQ+ community and could quite easily identify and give information about the support group. With the LGBTQ+ community, there are phrases and words that are known to be associated within the community. For example, “coming out” and “that’s so gay”. When talking to both generations, there is a mixed opinions and feelings on whether these phrases and identities should be abolished. Some individuals feel that labels are not needed and that no one should be labelled in any way, this not only includes sexuality but much more than identity and challenging society to become more accepting and caring of others and their feelings. However, some of the samples felt that labels are currently needed temporarily as this helps the baby boomer generation to understand what the person feels and how they identify themselves. 


When speaking to both generations, they felt that the most important factor for the LGBTQ+ community is educating the general public as both generations feel that if this is at the forefront of influential people. They might be able to help create a better, more safer and more accepting environment for your child to grow up in. Educating people about the LGBTQ+ community, both generations feel that it will help to stamp out the stigma and discrimination of the LGBTQ+ community. This could then help people to explore their sexuality and help to accept this. In the current world today there are a lot of influential people that support the LGBTQ+ community and some that are apart of the community.


Examples of this are Elliot Page and Demi Lovato, these were highlighted by the Generation Z. Elliot Page is part of the LGBTQ+ community as of 01 December 2020, it was reported that Elliot Page announced that he is transgender. Elliot Page was designated as female on his birth certificate, but is now living as his authentic self. Demi Lovato is part of the LGBTQ+ community from the 19 May 2021, it was famously reported that they are non-binary and changing their pro nouns to they/them. This was confirmed by the singer on their social media channels. 


Once someone accepts who they truly are, the world becomes a little brighter. Don’t let anyone dampen your light. 


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