LGBTQ+: The start of the story....
- For Example,LGBT people (16+) are nearly 4 times more likely to experience violent victimization compared to non LGBTQ+ people.
To me as an individual, that’s shocking as we are normalising violence with people that are just trying to be happy and be their true selves. This is a demoralising factor and this is why people are scared to truly reveal themselves.
- One in every five LGBTQ+ people has experienced a hate crime or incident because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the last 12 months. This again is harrowing to think 1 in every 5 people, which equals to 20 people in every 100 people.
For me, this shows the darkness and the hatefulness in the world. No matter who you are with, its not ok to put someone down, to be hateful just to be cool. Everyone has feelings as they are not a robot. A hate crime could start with name-calling and end in death as shown on coronation street in 2021 with Nina and Seb (this was inspired by a real hate story). A hate crime is part of bullying but it's never talked about. This needs to change if we want our children/grandchildren to grow up in a much more safer environment.
Anyone can change and investigate their sexuality and/or their sexual orientation at any age. This is why it's essential to support and know that children are loved no matter how they identify themselves.
- In school, nearly half the LGBTQ+ community are being bullied in school just for being LGTBQ+ proud.
This is alarming to know that at a young age, our children can’t be themselves due to a fear of being bullied.
- 45% of the people that are being bullied for being LGBTQ+ never tell anyone about their ordeal.
It's very important to highlight the creation and the use of a safe space for your child to be willing to share important details like their sexuality. Nearly one in ten trans pupils (9%) are subjected to death threats at school. This is extremely concerning especially....
- When 53% of LGBTQ+ pupils say that there isn’t an adult that they can talk to about the situation.
No child should have to nor do they deserve to get death threats. Every child should feel happy, healthy and if they are being listened to.
Our children are the future of the world and they don’t deserve to be subjected to such behaviour, its very important to create a safe space in the home in order for your child to get the support that they don’t get in school. Showing your child that there's nothing wrong with being LGBTQ+ or supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Creating that safe space could help your child come out of the closet or even stop bullying an LGBTQ+ individual.