
Showing posts from May, 2021

Alternative Lifestyles, Mental Health and the M Word.

Recently here in the United Kingdom we had a week dedicated to acknowledging the need to address the mental health issues people are suffering from. We saw adverts telling us to talk about mental health as well as a lot of advice if you are suffering from poor mental health. We at know that mental health is not some sort of weird little unknown problem that effects only a few people. The key word that we see is health. Anyone can suffer from poor physical health. There is no stigma in having a physical problem, people are quite open about physical illness. There is no problem telling someone you have a cold and people have no problem seeking help from their doctor to help them solve a physical health concern. Why is it then that we find it so hard to be open and honest about our mental health. Mental health unlike physical health has along history of being suppressed. Its only over the last few years that the general public have been able to be honest about any me...